Steering your career into the New Year

By Sarah Dawson, Western Alumni Career Coach

A new year provides an opportunity to reflect upon accomplishments of the past year and set new goals for the year ahead.

Today’s career landscape is characterized by constant change. Companies go in and out of markets quickly and the fluctuating economy forces companies to constrict or expand their employment levels all while new technology fuels gains in productivity. These and other factors contribute to a climate in which planned or unplanned changes in jobs and careers are practically guaranteed. 

So whether you are seeking employment, looking for a career change or content where you are, this New Year, I encourage you to do three things to ensure you continue to learn, connect and advance:

1. Perform a self-evaluation of your career. Ask yourself: Do I like this job?  What do I get out of working?  Does this job serve my needs?  What do my employers gain from my work? What skill sets have I recently developed? What skill sets do I want to further develop? Understanding where you are can aid your ability to prepare for and withstand change.

Maintaining a good personal and professional network is paramount to being prepared for change when it comes.  If you are not comfortable with networking, make it a goal to improve your skills.  There are many things in life we do not like to do but we do for our health. Like brushing your teeth to prevent decay, you must reach out and connect with people in all facets of your life to prevent isolation and lack of support when you need it most. 

2. Evaluate your contacts. Review your personal, professional, and community connections. Make a list of 50 people from all areas of your life. Make sure that you have personal contacts that can provide you with support and encouragement for where you seek to go.

Working today requires that each of us is the master of our career.  Where we work, how we work and what we are working on is our personal responsibility.  Determine what you want and the actions you will take over the next year to experience success.

3. Set at least two goals for 2015.  What TWO things do you hope to accomplish in 2015? Create a professional and personal goal and make sure they are SMART goals:  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound.

Looking for more? Western Alumni Career Management offers supports to alumni and is accessible online at

Wishing you a safe and happy New Year!

Sarah Dawson
Alumni Career Management