Western sparks a Train Reaction on TTC

By Adela Talbot, BA'08, MA'11

What started in residence hallways at Western is continuing on the subway trains of Toronto.

Blake Fleischacker, BA'07, Amir Fishman, BA'09, and Elan Marko, HBA'08, part of a group called The Good Acoustics, have started what they are calling Train Reaction, a project that finds them playing music together, for free, on Toronto subways.

The group’s following is quickly growing, with commuters grooving to their acoustic tunes. Just recently, they were featured on City TV’s Breakfast Television.

The three young men met for the first time on campus, nearly a decade ago. Fleischacker graduated in 2007 with a Sociology and Writing degree; Marko graduated the following year from Ivey Business School’s HBA program; and Fishman graduated the following year, with a Psychology and Writing degree.